Non-state organisation 'Bonuvon'

Address of the organisation:

Vanj city, B. Gaurova str. 14 ap. 4


no data


8 employees

Place of living of persons - users of the social services:


Age of persons - users of the social services:

from 14 to 60 years

Number of persons who received social services in 2010:


Normativ standard (persons)*Average time for service provision (day)

*Quantity of clients (persons) who receive services comparing to one specialist of the organisation

Category of persons – users of social services:
  • Children living with HIV
  • Socially vulnerable families and their children
  • People living with HIV

Provided services:

Form of social services 3 - Social welfare services in the day-care centres (Day care services)
Types of social services:
  • Social-medical re/habilitation
  • Social-psychological support and consultations
  • Leisure and communication
  • Representation of client’s interests at other organisations
Additional information:

Non-state organisation provides social support, assistance in paperwork, covers transportation costs to and from TB clinic, provides consultations with issues related to HIV, sexually transmitted infections, TB, female infections, conducts various campaigns

Managing body:

Non-state organisation “Bonuvon"

Funding source:

Oxfam Novib (the Netherlands)