Categories of people - users of social services

Catalogue of organizations, social services providers
№ on mapName
12Boarding school № 1
14Boarding school № 4
17State institution "Baby home № 2" of Dushanbe city
24Baby home № 1
30Centre of early vocational orientation and social integration
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11Learning centre "Charoli hidoyat"
12Boarding school № 1
14Boarding school № 4
24Baby home № 1
30Centre of early vocational orientation and social integration
33Boarding school of Specialised Education № 2
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4Day care centre for children with disabilities
5State institution "Children and Youth centre of city Dushanbe"
9State Institution "Professional Lyceum and-Residential Facility for disabled"
13Specialised Boarding school № 3
16Day care centre ‘Nasli navras’
17State institution "Baby home № 2" of Dushanbe city
19Family house 1
20Family house 2
24Baby home № 1
26Day care rehabilitation and learning centre "Kishti"
33Boarding school of Specialised Education № 2
34Children's preschool institution № 129
35Children's preschool institution № 123
36Specialised kindergarten for children with communication disorders № 151
37Secondary Mainstream School № 3
38Secondary Mainstream School № 24
40Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Consultation
41Association of Parents with Children with Disabilities
42Republican children and youth centre of psychological health
№ on mapName
3Temporary Isolation Centre for Juveniles
5State institution "Children and Youth centre of city Dushanbe"
8Juvenile Colony
16Day care centre ‘Nasli navras’
23Republican Specialised Vocational School
25Specialised professional technical school
27Children and youth club
31Children and Youth centre of arts
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3Temporary Isolation Centre for Juveniles
16Day care centre ‘Nasli navras’
27Children and youth club
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3Temporary Isolation Centre for Juveniles
10Girls Support Centre
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30Centre of early vocational orientation and social integration
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6Re-adaptation centre
7Day care centre for womena>
29Drop-in centre
44Social bureau
45Centre of accessible services
47Crisis centre for women injected drug users
48Resource centre
50Republican clinical Narcology centre named after professor Gulyamov
№ on mapName
7Day care centre for womena>
44Social bureau
45Centre of accessible services
46Non-state organisation "League of women living with HIV/AIDS in Tajikistan"
49Non-state organisation "‘Guli Surh"
№ on mapName
16Day care centre ‘Nasli navras’
17State institution "Baby home № 2" of Dushanbe city
24Baby home № 1
27Children and youth club
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28Crisis centre
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1Territorial Centre for Social Services at home for Elderly and Disabled, Dushanbe city
9State Institution "Professional Lyceum and-Residential Facility for disabled"
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6Re-adaptation centre
7Day care centre for womena>
29Drop-in centre
43Republican HIV/AIDS prevention centre
44Social bureau
45Centre of accessible services
46Non-state organisation "League of women living with HIV/AIDS in Tajikistan"
47Crisis centre for women injected drug users
49Non-state organisation "‘Guli Surh"
№ on mapName
6Re-adaptation centre
7Day care centre for womena>
29Drop-in centre
44Social bureau
45Centre of accessible services
47Crisis centre for women injected drug users
48Resource centre
50Republican clinical Narcology centre named after professor Gulyamov
№ on mapName
1Territorial Centre for Social Services at home for Elderly and Disabled, Dushanbe city
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44Social bureau
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44Social bureau
№ on mapName
3Temporary Isolation Centre for Juveniles
4Day care centre for children with disabilities
6Re-adaptation centre
7Day care centre for womena>
10Girls Support Centre
11Learning centre "Charoli hidoyat"
12Boarding school № 1
26Day care rehabilitation and learning centre "Kishti"
32Preschool children’s home № 1
37Secondary Mainstream School № 3
38Secondary Mainstream School № 24
42Republican children and youth centre of psychological health
43Republican HIV/AIDS prevention centre
44Social bureau
45Centre of accessible services
46Non-state organisation "League of women living with HIV/AIDS in Tajikistan"
47Crisis centre for women injected drug users
48Resource centre
49Non-state organisation "‘Guli Surh"
50Republican clinical Narcology centre named after professor Gulyamov
№ on mapName
1Territorial Centre for Social Services at home for Elderly and Disabled, Dushanbe city
2Social assistance unit at home of Local Government Authorities of Sino district
15Social assistance unit at home of Local Government Authorities of Sino district
18Communication Club
22Social assistance unit at home of Local Government Authorities of Shohmansur District
39Social assistance unit at home of Local Government Authorities of Firdavsi District