Preschool educational institution № 26

Address of the organisation:

Khujand city, 20 microdistrict, house 9 a


83422 24279


14 employees

Place of living of persons - users of the social services:

Sughd region

Age of persons - users of the social services:

from 3 to 12 years

Number of persons who received social services in 2010:


Normativ standard (persons)*Average time for service provision (day)

*Quantity of clients (persons) who receive services comparing to one specialist of the organisation

Category of persons – users of social services:
  • Orphan children
  • Children with disabilities

Provided services:

Form of social services 2a - Long-term social welfare services in residential-care institutions (Residential-care services), more than 3 months
Types of social services:
  • Social-medical re/habilitation
  • Education
Managing body:

Ministry of Education

Funding source:

Khukumat of the city