Non-state organisation "Dilsuz"

Address of the organisation:

Danghara, 7 microdistrict


no data


3 employees

Place of living of persons - users of the social services:


Age of persons - users of the social services:

regardless of age

Number of persons who received social services in 2010:


Normativ standard (persons)*Average time for service provision (day)

*Quantity of clients (persons) who receive services comparing to one specialist of the organisation

Category of persons – users of social services:
  • People with disabilities
  • Lonely elderly people

Provided services:

Form of social services 3 - Social welfare services in the day-care centres (Day care services)
Types of social services:
  • Leisure and communication
Additional information:

Provides material and financial assistance

Managing body:

Non-state organisation

Funding source:
